- (3-Bulbs) Anyray A1818Y Bulb Compatible Replacement for any Candle Warmers products . It is not Candle Warmers Brand bulb it is good replacment for it .
- Base:GU10
- The NP5 Bulb fits in any of your favorite Candle Warmer Lamps created after 2008. The innovative NP5 bulb uses a concentrated halogen beam to melt scented jar candles.
- Works with 110 Volt , 120 Volt and 130 Volt as well , Long Life: 2,500 Hours bulb life
- Usage: Candle Warmers, Home, Office, Restaurants, Stores, Schools, Landscape / Universal bulbs
- Dimensions: 2" L X 2" W x 2.25" H
- High Brightness and ECO Energy efficient light bulb / Dimmable
- Lighting Facts: Estimated yearly energy cost: $3.01 ( Based on 3-hours/day 11c/kWh costs depend on rates and use ) Lasts 1.8 years based on 3 hours per day usage, , Color: 2700 Kelvins , Wattage: 25W , high color rendering index CRI 100
Our Compatible Replacement for The NP5 Bulb fits in any of your favorite Candle Warmer Lamps created after 2008. The innovative NP5 bulb uses a concentrated halogen beam to melt scented jar candles. Products on this Listing are Anyray Brand . All Brand Names and Models designations are property of their respective Owners and are Not affiliated with Anyray Brand , AnyrayMall or its products . All Candle Warmer brand names, trademarks and logos are property of Candle Warmers, Etc.