- 1-Bulb Anyray Compatible Replacement for 36W UV Bulb Lamp Tetra Pond GreenFree UV3 36 Watt PL-L TUV Germicidal Ultraviolet
- 100% Ozone Free Short-wave UV radiation with a peak at 253.7 nm (UVC) for disinfection purposes
- Works with 110 Volt 120 Volt 130 Volt 220 Volt 230 Volt 240 Volts
- 2G11 4-pin Base / Length 16.15"inch
- Long Life 10,000 Hours Anyray® AUVC-36W
- Germicidal Ultraviolet Light UV Bulb, LAMP Warning sign on lamp indicates that the lamp radiates UVC
- EPA Est.No.100578-WA-1
Anyray Compatible Replacement Germicidal Light Bulb Used in a variety of photochemical processes , For residential drinking water, water and air treatment units, stand-alone purifiers and deactivation of bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms . Replacement for AQUATOP , Jebo, Jebao, Tetra, SUNSUN, ViaAqua, Grech, ESU, OASE Coralife, Odyssea UV, Replacement for AQUATOP , Jebo, Jebao, Tetra, SUNSUN, ViaAqua, Grech, ESU, OASE Coralife, Odyssea UV , Honeywell , e.t.c. Anyray® AUVC-36W Products on this Listing are Anyray® Brand . Brand Names and Models designations shown on the listing are intended to demonstrate the compatibility Only !!! All Brand Names and Models designations are property of their respective Owners and are Not affiliated with Anyray® Brand , AnyrayMall or its products .