- 1-Bulb Anyray AUVC-36W Compatible Replacement Designed in Order to Replace Honeywell UC36W1006 UV Germicidal lamp UltraViolet For UV100
- Measures about 15 inches long
- Lamp should be replaced once a year. Long Life: 10,000hrs
- 100% Ozone Free Short-wave UV radiation with a peak at 253.7 nm (UVC)
- Energy efficient light bulb / Anyray
- EPA Est.No.100578-WA-1
This Lamp is Compatible Replacement for Honeywell UC36W1006 is a replacement bulb for UV100 36W dual-lamp return air and coil irradiation models.Used With UC100A1013, UC100A1054, UC100E1014, UC100E1030, UV100A1018, UV100A1059, UV100A2008, UV100E2009, UV100E3007Products on this Listing are Anyray Brand . Brand Names and Models designations shown on the listing are intended to demonstrate the compatibility Only !!! All Brand Names and Models designations are property of their respective Owners and are Not affiliated with Anyray Brand , AnyrayMall or its products .